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Tui Room

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Primary Care-Giving

Here at Waimate Childcare Centre we operate a Primary Caregiving System for the children in the Tui Room (Infants and toddlers). This leads on to Key teachers for the children in the Bellbird Room as well. We believe that children learn best when they are happy and settled and have a strong bond with their caregiver.

Research has found that for children to become resilient, persistent and independent they first must be able to depend on the main adults in their life.

When a child forms a secure attachment with an adult in an early childhood setting it reduces stress for the child and the parent and helps to support the child while apart from the parent. When children have a secure attachment with a care-giver it helps them to feel confident and ready to play and learn.

What is Primary Care-giving?

A Primary Care system is when each child has a teacher who forms a bond with them and is their main carer. This is not exclusive as we work as a team, and other teachers will also be involved in the child's day to some extent.

How does it work in the Tui Room?

The Primary Caregiver will spend time with you and your child and get to know them during the initial visits. Then they will have the main responsibility for the Care Moments such as nappy changing, feeding and bedtimes. These times are relaxed and unhurried with time for playful interactions. The other teachers support these moments by assisting the other children at these times. This allows the child and caregiver time to build their relationship.

The primary caregiver is able to help the child when they are unhappy and as they know the child well they will understand how to support them best.

We work as a team so the other teachers in the room will also get to know and play with your child and be able to support them if the Primary Caregiver is absent.

The primary care-giver will also be the teacher in charge of your child's profile book (learning journal) and will be the person you can talk to about issues that may affect your child's day such as illness or poor sleep etc. We also have a notebook that goes home daily to share routine information.

Our infant and toddler room caters for children from birth to two and a half years. The children experience a safe, caring and predictable environment with a staff ratio of one teacher to four children. The teachers follow the children's cues and routines from home.

A flexible, interesting and respectful programme is run offering children social skills through small group activities. We have music and story times as well as offering activities that provide sensory experiences. The Tui Room philosophy centres on respect and key to that is our Primary Caregiving system. The teachers in the Tui Room build strong loving relationships with the children encouraging them to learn and grow in independence.

The Tui Room programme is flexible depending on the interests and needs of the children.

Morning tea of sandwiches and fruit is provided free of charge. We have a fridge where food can be stored and we have a microwave for heating lunches.

We are a breastfeeding friendly centre.

We respect the children's preferences and follow their routines including the use of pacifiers and/or a cuddly from home.

A notebook system is in place for communication between home and the centre for very young children.

Please bring along a named bag, food and bottles if required.

You will need to bring enough nappies for the day as well as a change of named clothes and hat.

Waimate Childcare Centre

Phone:03 689-7336

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