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Bellbird Room


Welcome to the Bellbird Room where we learn by having fun.

The children in our room are aged 2.5 to 5 years old and our teacher to child ratio is 1:8.

Our teachers know the importance of building strong relationships with our families and children. We value the individuality of each child.

When you walk through the gates you will see our large outdoor environment where the children are free to explore. There is plenty of room to ride, run and be challenged while interacting with others.

Our teachers are friendly, caring and approachable, providing the children with fun, challenging activities that encourage social interactions while following their interests.

Our program is based on free play while also offering structured activities and group times including music and movement, story/mat time, morning and afternoon tea, also lunch where we all sit together. We are well resourced and our teachers love to be creative. We know that by providing many learning opportunities, the children are preparing themselves for the next stage of their education – going to school. Children learn through play and having fun.

Our teachers read, sing and play along with the children, role modelling appropriate social behaviours and extending language through quality interactions.

Waimate Childcare Centre

Phone:03 689-7336

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